Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Soul

"Self-realization is identifying with the essence of the self, which is presence." A. H. Almaas

"The soul is an organism whose essential identity is presence." A. H. Almaas

Self-realization is soul- realization; realizing that one is the soul.

The soul is Presence of Being. Living, intelligent, discriminating awareness is Presence of
Being. The soul is a benevolent entity of living, intelligent, discriminating awareness. The soul, this entity, this living intelligence, has the capacity to perceive and to know. It also has a chameleon-like capacity to manifest as the exact quality of Being that is appropriate to the situation at hand.

This benevolent entity of living intelligence, the soul, perceives, knows, manifests the appropriate Essential Quality or Aspect of Being, and, in addition, it has the capacity to act. The primary action of the soul is its Presence as the Essential Quality of Being. This Presence of Essential Aspects and Qualities of Being will also inform and influence the mind and physical body, initiating action as is needed.

It is seen, then, that one's soul, one's own Presence, has the capacity to perceive, to know, to manifest as the appropriate Essential Quality or Aspect of Presence, and to put that benevolent Presence into action.