Sunday, December 7, 2008

Presence as the Mother of Beingness

Pure Awareness is non-local awareness. Consciousness, which is local awareness, is the foreground of Pure Awareness in humans. The body, the mind, the world and consciousness all co-emerge in Pure Awareness. Illumination by the light of Awareness imparts the quality of Beingness to all appearances. Living, intelligent Awareness is Presence. When form manifests in Awareness it creates a field of consciousness. All of the myriad objects that appear, making up consciousness, are valuable, significant and meaningful only in that they shine in the radiance of Pure Awareness. This alone is their substance and reality. In no other way can they be said to exist.

Each of us, as sentient beings, are localizations of Awareness, and, as such , are beacons which radiate reality. In the light of our Presence, animating every object blessed in its glow, Beingness blossoms forth.

For Awareness to be local it must have an instrument of sensory perception and a vehicle to house that instrument. That's the human body with it's organs of sense perception. The vehicle appears as one of its own perceptions in the field of consciousness. That is the human in the world. In a universe where everything is in flux, the body must be endowed with self-regulating, and self-preserving capacities; the animal instinct. If it is to relate to, and interact with many others, also driven by self-preserving animal instincts, then the vehicle of localized awareness must have advanced relationship skills to enhance survival in complex social structures. That is the ego personality.

What we wind up with is a vehicle of awareness that has multiple levels of capacity in self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-preservation. Yet, as complex, intelligent and talented as it is, the body is simply a vehicle. It is a sensor, as it were, placing boundless, eternal, infinite,pure awareness in a local, time-bound and finite realm. This realm is populated by billions of awareness-vehicle life forms which must, of necessity, prey upon each other for their own survival. As a result conflict is built in to the experience of this dimension.

Yet, the light of Pure Awareness, in which all of the seething, conflicted masses appear, is itself, utterly without conflict. Pure Awareness is not compelled to struggle or suffer in the spectacle it reifies and animates. It watches.

The living intelligence which understands these words is not human. It is not a quality of consciousness, nor is it a phenomena of the world. It is Pure Awareness, reaching out through its vehicles, caressing itself as the temporary form loving its own infinite depth. It is this one intelligence, this one Presence, the inner and only Self. It is you.